Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fire Hazard Severity Zones

Make sure your homeowners policy includes replacement cost coverage for personal property so that you always receive the full cost to replace whatever item is damaged. So you got the home, the loan, the rate, but now you need the homeowners insurance and you need it fast. We receive calls weekly of people rushing and frantic looking for someone to insure them in their high brush area. We even get realtors calling in very often that are worried and stressed.

Any home that is relatively close to “brush” is very concerning to insurance companies. Well-kept trees, grass, flowers, and plants are all okay unless they overhang the roof. Fire Hazard Severity Zone maps evaluate “hazard,” not “risk”. They are like flood zone maps, where lands are described in terms of the probability level of a particular area being inundated by floodwaters, and not specifically prescriptive of impacts. “Risk” is the potential damage a fire can do to the area under existing conditions, accounting for any modifications such as fuel reduction projects, defensible space, and ignition resistant building construction.

Finding High Brush Insurance

If you do not find a policy, the lender will force place insurance on you, meaning that they purchase it for you. Force-placed insurance is usually extremely expensive, has little to no coverage, and is usually not rated well. California’s home insurance market has taken a hit and the companies are starting to feel it. If your a first time home buyer in an area close to brush, then you’ve had to shop around. Shopping for California brush zone insurance can be quite the challenge. The last option for insurance is the California Fair Plan, they have a combined total coverage limit of $3,000,000.

If this is the case, we’ll ask them to provide you a quote. In November 2019, NPR contacted us to address the recent wildfires and their effect on homeowners and their current and future home insurance policies. You can hear the 15 minute interview by clicking the link below.


My previous insurance company wouldn't cover my new house in California because of fire danger. If you have a wood roof and are located in a high brush area, this can be an issue for most insurance carriers. Whether entering from outside your home from a flood or from within your home’s plumbing system, water damage is the most common cause of loss to a home. Many policies exclude losses caused by backup of sewers and drains, and all unendorsed homeowner policies exclude damage caused by a flood. If you have a sizable wine collection, you may want to consider scheduling the collection on your homeowners policy. Doing so expands your coverage and eliminates the deductible in case of a loss.

brush zone home insurance california

In the wildfire zones throughout California, homeowners have become frustrated as insurance solutions are scarce. Unity One Insurance has been insuring properties in California’s high-risk areas since 1999. We have studied and found the best policies in the market to make sure you and your properties are protected. It’s best to contact a local contractor to see what the average price per square foot to rebuild in your area. Most average homes cost $150-$250/sq ft, but if you live in an area like San Francisco, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Los Gatos…etc., this figure can increase dramatically. We also recommend a minimum of $300,000 in liability coverage and home owners should seriously consider an Umbrella policy for an extra $1,000,000+ of liability coverage.

“What Brush?” | Helping Your Customer Understand Homeowners Insurance

If you are a connoisseur of wine, you know that it is susceptible to outside environmental exposures that can ruin it. If the collection is damaged, coverage from your homeowners policy is a possible recourse. However, the damage is only insurable if it is a covered cause of loss as outlined in your homeowners policy.

brush zone home insurance california

Eric is always ahead of it, he explains everything thoroughly, and he helps us make the smartest decisions. He and his team are responsive and attentive anytime we need advice or attention. He is total a pleasure to work with, and we feel incredibly lucky to have found him many years ago. When it comes to our insurance policies, we trust Eric completely.

The California FAIR Plan Association is an association of all insurance companies authorized to transact basic property insurance in California. Established under State law, the FAIR Plan provides insurance coverage to responsible applicants who have been unable to secure insurance for their home or business in the normal market. I cant say enough about the customer service and the knowledge they have regarding high fire risk.I would recommend them to anyone looking for a new home owners policy in or out of a high fire location.

brush zone home insurance california

If your home is on a canyon, in a high brush area, in a high fire risk zone, in a wildfire area or close to brush, you may have a hard time finding a home policy or your home policy may not be renewed. They are always available and happy to answer any questions you have (trust me, I've had a lot of questions over the past decade!) Thank you, Einhorn Insurance, for taking care of my family. Eric made it easy, his professionalism and truly caring what was best for the client. He was able provide a good homeowners policy in the brush area that is extremely limited. Brush is bushes, shrubs, trees, thickets, and any other vegetation that is un-kept, alive or dead, near your property or home. The brush is a problem because it has the potential to burn, catch on fire, and start a wildfire.

New underwriting guidelines are responding to these risks but it will cause an ongoing challenge for homeowners. Consumers need to find an agent with the right resources and access to the right companies to insure their homes. The private insurance market will find ways to adapt to these challenges and with the right agent, consumers can avoid the high cost and substandard plans that many people purchase assuming there are no other options. Many homeowners in areas that are now considered brushfire zones never thought they would be at risk for insurance cancellations. In terms of the damage to the larger economy, in November of 2018 an analysis by the Department of Commerce places the annual cost of wildfires to be between $71.1 and $347.8 billion.

brush zone home insurance california

Unfortunately they are having trouble locating the property in their system. Im going to send you an email and ask a couple of follow up questions. I need a little bit more info from you in order to get you a quote for a wrap around policy. This home is a good candidate for the California FAIR Plan. Even though you had your property cleared of brush, the surrounding land has too much brush. Unfortunately you need at least 500 ft brush clearance.

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